Friday, June 14, 2013

A Few Posts That Have Figurative Language In Them (a.k.a Figurative Language)

So recently, we made stuff about the different figures of speech. Well, I gave it a go. Just tried to actually post an actual blog that has an actual figure of speech included in the actual stuff. :)))

(I abused the use of the word "Actual". I love myself for it.) :))

1. My friends just kept talking and talking, that they filled the entire mezzanine (even the entire Paseo!) with jumbled words and misunderstood noises. Know what I did? I just sat there in one corner, looking like a living statue. I just, well, stared at them like how a predator would stare at his prey, or how a strict person would stare at someone sternly. They all just stared at me back. No, I still didn't utter a word. Kept it shut like a hibernated squirrel. 

2. As I have observed tonight, the glittery stars bowed down to the Lord of Evil Velvet Sky and were overshadowed by his Raven Knights. Poor stars. NO WAIT. Poor, deceived human beings. Not a lamp to shine on their inner eyes to free them from the blindness they've been stuck in for almost an eternity. 

And lastly, a special (figurative letter message for my dear boyfriend, Henrick) :">

3. Oh dear Henrick, I can't help but love you more and more everyday. Your voice soothes me like a cup of hot jasmine tea, makes me feel warm like a hand-crocheted sweater, and you care for me as though it's a true friend's care. One thing bothers me though... You are so tall, I can reach out the books in the library for you. :))

So there you have it folks. 'Til the next blog! :))

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