Most of the rich people do is rest, rest, and did I mention rest? They just "use" their time in doing their "recreational activities" and "very important businesses."
I'll admit that, in our situation, it's pretty much like this. My dad spends his time by: RESTING, WATCHING TELEVISION, DRINKING COFFEE and ATTEND TO HIS ENGAGEMENTS (BUSINESS). My mom often does nothing but REST, SLEEP, SEW HER CLOTHES and COOK DELICIOUS FOOD (Note: she goes a little overboard sometimes!) As for me, the little spoiled brat/princess of the family, I spend my time SURFING THE WEB, ON FACEBOOK, LISTENING TO MUSIC, WATCHING INTERESTING VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE and MAKING MY PRECIOUS LITERARY ARTWORKS that are yet to be discovered.
See, being frantically rich is not all glitz, glamor and smiling faces. It depends on the rich dudes & dudettes' time management on how they'll make their rich lives fruitful.
(Note: This is not intended to hurt any rich person's feelings. These are just my own perspectives & opinions...So please...Don't even think about commenting negatively about it...Well, OK, you may comment negatively. But please make sure it doesn't hurt others' feelings, OK? Thanks!)